mommy's style

mommy's style
mommy's style

kumquat's style

kumquat's style
kumquat's style

shop our closet

shop our closet
shop our closet

sea foam afternoon

So it's been a minute since I've posted. I apologize for neglecting you, dear blogosphere, but life has been crazy these last few months. Lots has changed, and yet so much about my life remains the same as it has always been. I feel like I'm constantly waiting for something. I'm getting pretty tired of this feeling.

Work is going well. It's not where I want to spend the rest of my life, but for now it's a good environment for me. I had planned on getting my own place in Tooele, but I've been talking to my lil sis, and she's trying to talk me into moving up to Logan with her next year and attending Utah State University. I'm definitely seriously considering it- don't really have much reason not to. While I do enjoy my job, I desperately want to go back to school, and I love the university environment. But Logan is so damn cold!

Spending the weekend in Roy with Bagel. The weather is absolutely gorgeous and perfect and we have all kinds of adventures planned for the long weekend. Feeling better today than I have in ages. I like it... except for this waiting part.

Sweater, skinnies, booties, bag, fedora :: Maurice's
Cami :: Charlotte Russe
Necklace :: Vanity
Earrings :: Forever 21

You may notice the sudden and massive influx of Maurice's clothing and accessories into my wardrobe... it's one of only three clothing shops in Tooele, aside from Walmart. The other two are small, locally owned boutiques that I've yet to explore, but I'm thinking I will check them out later this week. While I'm certainly not excited for cold weather, and the lazy days of summer to end, I am excited to bust out my sweaters and boots and the gorgeous deep colors of a fall wardrobe. Thinking I may need to acquire myself some new boots actually...

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