mommy's style

mommy's style
mommy's style

kumquat's style

kumquat's style
kumquat's style

shop our closet

shop our closet
shop our closet

retail therapy

Crappy day at work. Wish I could vent. There are days that I really do hate working at a school. Damn confidentiality.

What-the-fuck-ever. Two and a half months left. I can survive.

Lamixx Maxi Jersey Pleated Skirt, $33.00
I want this skirt. I've been searching for the perfect black maxi skirt for weeks, and I've finally found it - and it's only $33 over at ThreadSence. Have I mentioned how much I love that site? It might be one of my latest obsessions. Sephora is my other newest love... It's a little frightening, how much money I could spend at either store.


I shop when I get upset. And right now, I'm really upset. And I get paid tomorrow. Hmmm...

P.S. Bright blue tights were a HUGE hit with the kids today. Will post a pic later :)
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